Creating moments to empower global leaders.

Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco
Washington DC
We create global content, platforms and events to deliver on your individual, corporate, or governmental & diplomatic priorities.
We project manage every facet of your event or platform, from pre- and on-the-ground media-handling, to logistics, agendas and speakers, delivering impact.
With an international network, we devise, implement, and maximise media, marketing and advertising campaigns to enhance your position on the global stage.

We are the creative content and events arm of the global Project Associates strategic advisory firm.

Project Associates Create has produced, managed and assisted events around the world, helping industry leaders, political figures and governments reach their desired audiences in the most impactful manner.

We are a full-service firm working with an extensive global network of event & media specialists, guaranteeing delivery at all stages of the event process, including content production, media engagement, speaker identification and management, and operational logistics.

Our Services

Drawing on decades of experience organising events, ranging from global conferences with 100,000+
attendees, to international governmental summits and corporate events, we provide a range of services:

Content Development

We identify the themes, trends,
and discussion points which drive international interest, draw attendees, and attract global media coverage.

Media & Communications

Leveraging decades of international media handling experience, we position events at the centre of global conversations and drive coverage in both social and traditional media.

Brand Creation

With our creative teams, we establish innovative, impactful, and bespoke visual identities, including graphic design, audio-visual content and website creation.

Logistics & Operations

We design and fully project manage events, from on-the-ground logistics & design, to stakeholder coordination.

Global Speaker Engagement

With a global network that draws on the breadth of Project Associates work, we are able to help facilitate and secure the presence of internationally renowned speakers, moderators and delegates.

Marketing & Advertising

We create impactful partnerships with leading media firms,  and devise bespoke advertising campaigns to successfully market events to global audiences.  

Our People

We have a core team drawn from government, business, and media, spread across our eleven offices, with a wide network of associates covering every part of the globe.

Dr Joseph Stanislaw

Dr Joseph Stanislaw

Global Advisory Board

Rob Worthington

Rob Worthington

Group CEO

Mark Medish

Mark Medish

Group Vice Chair & Chair of Global Advisory Board

The Lord Darroch of Kew KCMG

The Lord Darroch of Kew KCMG

Global Advisory Board

David Rigg

David Rigg

Group Executive Chair

General Sir Mike Jackson, GCB, CBE, DSO, DL

General Sir Mike Jackson, GCB, CBE, DSO, DL

Global Advisory Board

Carlo Mazzi

Carlo Mazzi

Global Advisory Board

Charlie Rigg

Charlie Rigg

Group COO

Ryan Loeffen-Gallagher

Ryan Loeffen-Gallagher

Group Director & Managing Director of Project Associates Advisory

Ebru Özdemir

Ebru Özdemir

Global Advisory Board

Howell James CBE

Howell James CBE

Non-Executive Director

Adam Wethered

Adam Wethered

Non-Executive Director

Nina Febo

Nina Febo

Managing Director

Thomas Hagan

Thomas Hagan

Head of Content

Dr Joseph Stanislaw

Dr Joseph Stanislaw

Global Advisory Board

Dr. Joseph Stanislaw is founder of the advisory firm, The JAStanislaw Group, advising Boards of Directors and institutions on strategic thinking, sustainability, and environmentally sound investment in energy (all forms) and technology.  He currently serves on the International Advisory Board of Dana Gas, which is listed on the Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange and was previously a Board Member of Gulf Keystone Petroleum, a UK listed E&P company. Dr. Stanislaw is a Special Advisor Partner at private equity firm Wave Equity Partners and is also a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and an adjunct professor in the Nicholas School at Duke University, where he was a Member of the Board of Advisors for the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. Dr. Stanislaw was also a Partner at the private equity firm Brightstar Capital Partners, and an Advisory Board member at Good Energies Inc (GEI), one of the world’s first, leading, and largest investors in renewable and sustainable energy, with a particular commitment to improving the quality of life for citizens of impoverished nations.

Dr. Stanislaw was one of three founders of Cambridge Energy Research Associates in 1983 and served as President and CEO from 1997 until the sale of the firm in 2004. From 2006 to 2014, he served as Independent Senior Advisor, Energy and Sustainability to Deloitte LLP.

Dr. Stanislaw is the co-author of The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy and the author of “Energy in Flux: The 21st Century’s Greatest Challenge”, used as the basis for a PBS Documentary, “Oil Shockwave.”  He has also authored and/or co-authored numerous reports and published papers on the geopolitics and economics of future energy supply and demand.

Dr Joseph Stanislaw

Dr Joseph Stanislaw

Global Advisory Board

Dr. Joseph Stanislaw is founder of the advisory firm, The JAStanislaw Group, advising Boards of Directors and institutions on strategic thinking, sustainability, and environmentally sound investment in energy (all forms) and technology.  He currently serves on the International Advisory Board of Dana Gas, which is listed on the Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange and was previously a Board Member of Gulf Keystone Petroleum, a UK listed E&P company. Dr. Stanislaw is a Special Advisor Partner at private equity firm Wave Equity Partners and is also a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and an adjunct professor in the Nicholas School at Duke University, where he was a Member of the Board of Advisors for the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. Dr. Stanislaw was also a Partner at the private equity firm Brightstar Capital Partners, and an Advisory Board member at Good Energies Inc (GEI), one of the world’s first, leading, and largest investors in renewable and sustainable energy, with a particular commitment to improving the quality of life for citizens of impoverished nations.

Dr. Stanislaw was one of three founders of Cambridge Energy Research Associates in 1983 and served as President and CEO from 1997 until the sale of the firm in 2004. From 2006 to 2014, he served as Independent Senior Advisor, Energy and Sustainability to Deloitte LLP.

Dr. Stanislaw is the co-author of The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy and the author of “Energy in Flux: The 21st Century’s Greatest Challenge”, used as the basis for a PBS Documentary, “Oil Shockwave.”  He has also authored and/or co-authored numerous reports and published papers on the geopolitics and economics of future energy supply and demand.

Rob Worthington

Rob Worthington

Group CEO

Rob leads the Project Associates Group and has primary responsibility for overseeing the Group’s activities across all divisions and regions. He has specialist expertise in advising on governmental affairs and international political trends, with particular focus on the European Union and the Middle East.

He previously worked in the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office, ran a macro-economic risk consultancy, and at an earlier stage in his career was an advisor to a European Commissioner and a senior member of Tony Blair’s government.

Rob Worthington

Rob Worthington

Group CEO

Rob leads the Project Associates Group and has primary responsibility for overseeing the Group’s activities across all divisions and regions. He has specialist expertise in advising on governmental affairs and international political trends, with particular focus on the European Union and the Middle East.

He previously worked in the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office, ran a macro-economic risk consultancy, and at an earlier stage in his career was an advisor to a European Commissioner and a senior member of Tony Blair’s government.

Mark Medish

Mark Medish

Group Vice Chair & Chair of Global Advisory Board

Mark is Director & Vice Chair of Project Associates. In addition to overseeing our US operations, Mark helps drive our global business development efforts. Mark served at The White House as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director on the National Security Council and at the U.S. Treasury as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Affairs. He also worked at the State Department and the United Nations.

His business leadership posts have included: president of a strategic communications firm based in Washington, D.C.; president of the global private equity division of a leading asset management company headquartered in Chicago; and equity partner at a major international law firm where he led the sovereign advisory practice. He was also Vice President at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Mark is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and serves on several corporate and non-profit advisory boards, including the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna, the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University, and the Wilson Centre.

Mark Medish

Mark Medish

Group Vice Chair & Chair of Global Advisory Board

Mark is Director & Vice Chair of Project Associates. In addition to overseeing our US operations, Mark helps drive our global business development efforts. Mark served at The White House as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director on the National Security Council and at the U.S. Treasury as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Affairs. He also worked at the State Department and the United Nations.

His business leadership posts have included: president of a strategic communications firm based in Washington, D.C.; president of the global private equity division of a leading asset management company headquartered in Chicago; and equity partner at a major international law firm where he led the sovereign advisory practice. He was also Vice President at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Mark is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and serves on several corporate and non-profit advisory boards, including the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna, the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University, and the Wilson Centre.

The Lord Darroch of Kew KCMG

The Lord Darroch of Kew KCMG

Global Advisory Board

Lord Darroch was the British Ambassador to the United States from 2016 - 2019. Prior to this, between 2012 - 2015, he served as the National Security Adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron, overseeing global issues and conflicts in Iraq, Libya and Ukraine. He held senior roles working on multilateral negotiations in UK-EU Policy, including working as the Permanent UK Representative to the European Union from 2007 – 2011, and as Prime Minister Tony Blair’s EU Adviser from 2004 - 2007.

Other roles held by Lord Darroch during his earlier career include Private Secretary to the Minister of State for the Middle East, Head of the News Department at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Head of the Adriatic Department during the Dayton Accords negotiations that put an end to the Bosnian War.

The Lord Darroch of Kew KCMG

The Lord Darroch of Kew KCMG

Global Advisory Board

Lord Darroch was the British Ambassador to the United States from 2016 - 2019. Prior to this, between 2012 - 2015, he served as the National Security Adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron, overseeing global issues and conflicts in Iraq, Libya and Ukraine. He held senior roles working on multilateral negotiations in UK-EU Policy, including working as the Permanent UK Representative to the European Union from 2007 – 2011, and as Prime Minister Tony Blair’s EU Adviser from 2004 - 2007.

Other roles held by Lord Darroch during his earlier career include Private Secretary to the Minister of State for the Middle East, Head of the News Department at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Head of the Adriatic Department during the Dayton Accords negotiations that put an end to the Bosnian War.

David Rigg

David Rigg

Group Executive Chair

David is one of the UK’s most respected communications advisors, having provided reputation and crisis advice to some of the world's leading private individuals, multi-national companies and governments. 

David founded Project Associates in 1997, bringing together an impressive team of associates with extensive media, communications, business and political experience. He has worked in over 100 countries around the world and has been named one of PR Week’s ‘Top 100 Most Influential People in PR During the Past 21 Years’. 

Before founding Project Associates, he was Communications Director of Camelot, the UK's national lottery operator and was a founder member of the consortium that went on to win the first national lottery licence.  

David Rigg

David Rigg

Group Executive Chair

David is one of the UK’s most respected communications advisors, having provided reputation and crisis advice to some of the world's leading private individuals, multi-national companies and governments. 

David founded Project Associates in 1997, bringing together an impressive team of associates with extensive media, communications, business and political experience. He has worked in over 100 countries around the world and has been named one of PR Week’s ‘Top 100 Most Influential People in PR During the Past 21 Years’. 

Before founding Project Associates, he was Communications Director of Camelot, the UK's national lottery operator and was a founder member of the consortium that went on to win the first national lottery licence.  

General Sir Mike Jackson, GCB, CBE, DSO, DL

General Sir Mike Jackson, GCB, CBE, DSO, DL

Global Advisory Board

General Sir Mike served as UK Chief of the General Staff (CGS) from 2003-2006, the culmination of four and a half decades in the British Army. His active service included command at company and brigade level in Northern Ireland, and divisional command in Bosnia.

After a degree in Russian Studies, General Sir Mike joined the Intelligence Corps in 1963, transferring to the Parachute Regiment in 1970. He served as the Commander in Chief of Land Command from 2000, having previously served as Commander of Kosovo Force in 1999, the Commander of the NATO Allied Rapid Reaction Corps and Director General of Development and Doctrine at the Ministry of Defence. 

General Sir Mike Jackson, GCB, CBE, DSO, DL

General Sir Mike Jackson, GCB, CBE, DSO, DL

Global Advisory Board

General Sir Mike served as UK Chief of the General Staff (CGS) from 2003-2006, the culmination of four and a half decades in the British Army. His active service included command at company and brigade level in Northern Ireland, and divisional command in Bosnia.

After a degree in Russian Studies, General Sir Mike joined the Intelligence Corps in 1963, transferring to the Parachute Regiment in 1970. He served as the Commander in Chief of Land Command from 2000, having previously served as Commander of Kosovo Force in 1999, the Commander of the NATO Allied Rapid Reaction Corps and Director General of Development and Doctrine at the Ministry of Defence. 

Carlo Mazzi

Carlo Mazzi

Global Advisory Board

Carlo Mazzi is executive Chairman of Chora Srl – Milan, a real estate and corporate advisory company. Carlo was Chairman of the board of Prada SpA from 2014-2021, having been appointed to the board in 2004. He served in a number of roles at the Prada Group, including as deputy Chairman before becoming Chairman.

Prior to this Carlo worked for 30 years in the field of finance: from 1973 until 2000 in IMI and IMI-San Paolo Bank, where he was Managing Director of the large corporate department from 1994. He also has been board member of many Italian and Swiss banks, and of an Italian listed industrial company.

Carlo Mazzi

Carlo Mazzi

Global Advisory Board

Carlo Mazzi is executive Chairman of Chora Srl – Milan, a real estate and corporate advisory company. Carlo was Chairman of the board of Prada SpA from 2014-2021, having been appointed to the board in 2004. He served in a number of roles at the Prada Group, including as deputy Chairman before becoming Chairman.

Prior to this Carlo worked for 30 years in the field of finance: from 1973 until 2000 in IMI and IMI-San Paolo Bank, where he was Managing Director of the large corporate department from 1994. He also has been board member of many Italian and Swiss banks, and of an Italian listed industrial company.

Charlie Rigg

Charlie Rigg

Group COO

Charlie is responsible for setting and overseeing the company’s operational policies, initiatives and goals. She works closely with the CEO to set the strategic and financial direction of the group.

Charlie has primary responsibility for overseeing the daily operations of the Group.

Charlie Rigg

Charlie Rigg

Group COO

Charlie is responsible for setting and overseeing the company’s operational policies, initiatives and goals. She works closely with the CEO to set the strategic and financial direction of the group.

Charlie has primary responsibility for overseeing the daily operations of the Group.

Ryan Loeffen-Gallagher

Ryan Loeffen-Gallagher

Group Director & Managing Director of Project Associates Advisory

Ryan has advised heads of state, ministers, and CEOs across Asia, the Middle East, Africa, North America, and Europe, with a focus on international policy and strategic communications issues. He has worked on high-profile global cases involving conflict resolution, international arbitration, sanctions, elections, diplomatic crises, and communications campaigns.

Before joining Project Associates, he worked for a number of years in Abu Dhabi. Earlier in his career, he was a strategy consultant in the UK.

Ryan Loeffen-Gallagher

Ryan Loeffen-Gallagher

Group Director & Managing Director of Project Associates Advisory

Ryan has advised heads of state, ministers, and CEOs across Asia, the Middle East, Africa, North America, and Europe, with a focus on international policy and strategic communications issues. He has worked on high-profile global cases involving conflict resolution, international arbitration, sanctions, elections, diplomatic crises, and communications campaigns.

Before joining Project Associates, he worked for a number of years in Abu Dhabi. Earlier in his career, he was a strategy consultant in the UK.

Ebru Özdemir

Ebru Özdemir

Global Advisory Board

Ebru Özdemir is Chairwoman at Limak Group of Companies, a Turkish conglomerate, with major interests in construction, energy, cement, and tourism. She also acts as Limak Foundation’s Chairwoman, a private foundation established in 2016 to professionally manage social investments of Limak Group of Companies.

Ebru serves as member of the Board of Executives and Board of Directors at the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEİK),  and Chairwoman of the DEİK/Turkey-Kuwait Business Council. She holds board membership at the Turkish-American Business Council (TAİK) and DEİK/Turkey-Korea Business Council, and membership at the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD). Ebru is a regular participant at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Annual Meetings in Davos, and is the only representative from Turkey at Bruegel, the Brussels-based think tank.

Ebru is among Founding Members and Board Members of Turkey’s 30 Percent Club, a voluntary platform aimed at developing a diverse and gender-balanced pool of talent for all businesses at all levels. She is also a member of TOBB’s Women Entrepreneurship Council and International Women’s Forum Turkey, and is an Atlantic Council International Advisory Board member.

Ebru Özdemir

Ebru Özdemir

Global Advisory Board

Ebru Özdemir is Chairwoman at Limak Group of Companies, a Turkish conglomerate, with major interests in construction, energy, cement, and tourism. She also acts as Limak Foundation’s Chairwoman, a private foundation established in 2016 to professionally manage social investments of Limak Group of Companies.

Ebru serves as member of the Board of Executives and Board of Directors at the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEİK),  and Chairwoman of the DEİK/Turkey-Kuwait Business Council. She holds board membership at the Turkish-American Business Council (TAİK) and DEİK/Turkey-Korea Business Council, and membership at the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD). Ebru is a regular participant at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Annual Meetings in Davos, and is the only representative from Turkey at Bruegel, the Brussels-based think tank.

Ebru is among Founding Members and Board Members of Turkey’s 30 Percent Club, a voluntary platform aimed at developing a diverse and gender-balanced pool of talent for all businesses at all levels. She is also a member of TOBB’s Women Entrepreneurship Council and International Women’s Forum Turkey, and is an Atlantic Council International Advisory Board member.

Howell James CBE

Howell James CBE

Non-Executive Director

Howell sits on the Board of Project Associates Holdings Ltd.

Howell has had a long career as a senior executive and advisor in both government and multi-national businesses. He held roles at Christie’s, the global arts business, as Global Head of Corporate Communications, and at Barclays as Vice Chairman, Corporate Affairs. He was also a member of the Board of Management at the BBC. Howell was CEO of Quiller Consultants, and a Founding Partner and Director of Brown Lloyd James corporate public relations. 

In government, Howell was the Permanent Secretary for Government Communication in the Cabinet Office, under prime ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. He also served as Political Secretary to Prime Minister John Major.  

Howell is Chair of Radiocentre, the body that represents UK Commercial Radio as well as Chair of the Trustees of the Arts Foundation, amongst other trusteeships. He was a Trustee of the British Council until 2016 and was awarded the CBE in 1997. He is the co-owner of El Fenn, a luxury boutique hotel in Marrakech. 

Howell James CBE

Howell James CBE

Non-Executive Director

Howell sits on the Board of Project Associates Holdings Ltd.

Howell has had a long career as a senior executive and advisor in both government and multi-national businesses. He held roles at Christie’s, the global arts business, as Global Head of Corporate Communications, and at Barclays as Vice Chairman, Corporate Affairs. He was also a member of the Board of Management at the BBC. Howell was CEO of Quiller Consultants, and a Founding Partner and Director of Brown Lloyd James corporate public relations. 

In government, Howell was the Permanent Secretary for Government Communication in the Cabinet Office, under prime ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. He also served as Political Secretary to Prime Minister John Major.  

Howell is Chair of Radiocentre, the body that represents UK Commercial Radio as well as Chair of the Trustees of the Arts Foundation, amongst other trusteeships. He was a Trustee of the British Council until 2016 and was awarded the CBE in 1997. He is the co-owner of El Fenn, a luxury boutique hotel in Marrakech. 

Adam Wethered

Adam Wethered

Non-Executive Director

Adam sits on the Board of Project Associates Holdings Ltd.

Adam Wethered has over 45 years of international commercial and investment experience. This includes working for JP Morgan for 24 years. During the 1990s, he was head of JP Morgan’s London Offices, Chief Executive of JP Morgan Securities Ltd, Co-head of Corporate Finance and Chief Operating Officer in Europe, and Head of Private Banking and Institutional Clients, EMEA. In 2000, Adam co-founded Lord North Street – Private Investment Office, which he managed until its sale in 2014. He is Chairman of Wren Investment Office, a Multi Family Office business advising wealthy families and trustees. He is also a qualified barrister.  

Adam invests in and advises several entrepreneurial businesses. He chairs the Garrick Club investment. He is also on the Development Board of the British Academy. 

Adam Wethered

Adam Wethered

Non-Executive Director

Adam sits on the Board of Project Associates Holdings Ltd.

Adam Wethered has over 45 years of international commercial and investment experience. This includes working for JP Morgan for 24 years. During the 1990s, he was head of JP Morgan’s London Offices, Chief Executive of JP Morgan Securities Ltd, Co-head of Corporate Finance and Chief Operating Officer in Europe, and Head of Private Banking and Institutional Clients, EMEA. In 2000, Adam co-founded Lord North Street – Private Investment Office, which he managed until its sale in 2014. He is Chairman of Wren Investment Office, a Multi Family Office business advising wealthy families and trustees. He is also a qualified barrister.  

Adam invests in and advises several entrepreneurial businesses. He chairs the Garrick Club investment. He is also on the Development Board of the British Academy. 

Nina Febo

Nina Febo

Managing Director

Nina has over a decade’s worth of experience as a conference producer and project manager at both dmg events and CWC, where she acted as a senior operational and sales leader, working with governments and industry experts around the world to develop content-rich and commercially viable events.

Most recently, Nina has spent the last few years as the Director of Global Partnerships at the World Art Foundation, specialising in event formulation, sponsorship, & partnership structuring.

Nina Febo

Nina Febo

Managing Director

Nina has over a decade’s worth of experience as a conference producer and project manager at both dmg events and CWC, where she acted as a senior operational and sales leader, working with governments and industry experts around the world to develop content-rich and commercially viable events.

Most recently, Nina has spent the last few years as the Director of Global Partnerships at the World Art Foundation, specialising in event formulation, sponsorship, & partnership structuring.

Thomas Hagan

Thomas Hagan

Head of Content

Based in our London office, Thomas has a background in domestic and international public policy, having previously worked for the US Congress and the USTDA, a global development agency based in Washington D.C.

Thomas Hagan

Thomas Hagan

Head of Content

Based in our London office, Thomas has a background in domestic and international public policy, having previously worked for the US Congress and the USTDA, a global development agency based in Washington D.C.

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